
Discover our solar forecasting tools

Maximize photovoltaic energy use with innovative forecast services.

Try NEXT, the new irradiance and production forecasting API. 
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Écran du tableau de bord Calibsun avec les courbes d'ensoleillement

Our forecasting tools for photovoltaic energy


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Illustration de balisage d'une zone avec des caméras hémisphériques

INSTANT: Real-time sky observation for site-specific nowcasting

Nowcast solar production in real time with cameras tracking clouds for optimized control of your PV plant.

Through an innovative approach using multiple sky observation cameras, INSTANT can evaluate cloud coverage, movement, altitude, and thickness, to anticipate short-term power drops from your large scale power plant,  isolated or hybrid PV installation.


  • Maximize solar energy penetration without impacting your industrial activity.
  • Manage energy sources with assisted or automated decisions (EMS/PMS integration).
  • Optimize storage sizing for hybrid systems.



CalibSun NEXT prevision solaires en SaaS et API

NEXT: intraday & day-ahead forecasts

Achieve unmatched accuracy in solar forecasts with on-site measurements, combined with weather models and satellite images for precise day-ahead and intraday predictions.

NEXT provides irradiance and production forecasts directly for operators, traders, aggregators, grid managers, or industrials. optimizing photovoltaic power plant management from one site to a worldwide portfolio of PV plants.  


  • Integrate forecasts into your EMS, PMS, monitoring, and trading solutions.
  • Anticipate developments in the photovoltaic energy market and increase the profitability of your assets.
  • Optimize storage and load shedding while maintaining grid balance.



Illustration d'une loupe sur un panneau photovoltaïque pour CUBE

FUTURE: site's performance assessement

Boost your solar project with 1-year on-site measurements, reducing uncertainty and optimizing long term financing.

FUTURE revolutionizes best practices in estimating irradiance potential for photovoltaic project developments. The one-year on-site measurement campaign, with an autonomous cabin installed during the development phase, allows for proper qualification of your site's solar resource.


  • Secure your project with investors, banks, and technical advisors.
  • Consolidate financial profitability and reduce project risk profile.
  • Optimize storage sizing - hybrid systems & grid.


Forecasting for optimizing energy storage



INSTANT, NEXT, FUTURE, 3 tools for optimal sizing and usage of energy storage.


The 3 forecasting tools optimize storage sizing and usage, helping to make solar energy controllable and competitive.

FUTURE helps designing optimal storage sizing and spinning reserve, minimizing infrastructure and operational costs, by avoiding oversizing storage systems.

NEXT and INSTANT optimize the use of photovoltaic energy and maximize its profitability. Two essential forecasting tools to support storage/load shedding decisions to make solar energy more competitive in the energy market.


CalibSun partners with Solaïs to provide you with a turnkey service:
  • Arbitration of storage technologies.
  • Optimal sizing according to configuration.
  • Forecasting tools integrated into your EMS (automatic or assisted control).


About us

CalibSun, beyond irradiance data.

Solaïs, a photovoltaic expert for 15 years, has created CalibSun, a dedicated subsidiary for forecasting, to leverage unique expertise and help photovoltaic actors make solar energy controllable.


After 12 years of R&D with Mines Paris -PSL, Solaïs created CalibSun in 2023. An innovative company at the cutting edge of solar energy and artificial intelligence, CalibSun offers high value-added forecasting solutions. 


Our team of experts, based in France, includes mainly talented data scientists specialized in solar energy, meteorological data and satellite image processing.


CalibSun facilitates the large-scale adoption of solar energy through its operational, strategic and financial optimization services based on solar resource forecasting. Our tools support all photovoltaic professionals.


Optimizing the use of solar resources and making it economicaly and logisticaly viable is key to accelerate the energy transition towards the goal of carbon neutrality.


After 12 years of R&D with Mines Paris -PSL, Solaïs created CalibSun in 2023. An innovative company at the cutting edge of solar energy and artificial intelligence, CalibSun offers high value-added forecasting solutions. 


Our team of experts, based in France, includes mainly talented data scientists specialized in solar energy, meteorological data and satellite image processing.


CalibSun facilitates the large-scale adoption of solar energy through its operational, strategic and financial optimization services based on solar resource forecasting. Our tools support all photovoltaic professionals.


Optimizing the use of solar resources and making it economicaly and logisticaly viable is key to accelerate the energy transition towards the goal of carbon neutrality.


Logo de notre partenaire École des Mines de Paris Logo de notre partenaire SPIE Logo de notre partenaire SciDoSol


Logo de notre client Africa Power Service Logo de notre partenaire Amarenco Logo de notre client Barrick


years of expertise in photovoltaics


scientific publications


combined data sources


Learn more about NEXT and solar forecasting.

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Learn more about NEXT and solar forecasting.


What role does forecasting play in the energy transition?


Who is the NEXT forecasting tool for?


Is the NEXT application secure?


What does the regulation say about forecasting?