NEXT - Forecast
Solar & power intraday & day-ahead forecast
Irradiance and production forecasts.
NEXT provides irradiance and production forecasts for managing intermittent photovoltaic energy. With expertise in photovoltaic asset operation, NEXT accurately considers your plant configuration to provide probabilistic forecasts with high confidence levels scenarios from P95 to P5.
Our forecasting API provides highly reliable electricity production estimates, from 5 minutes to week ahead. our unique algorithm combines meteorological weather forecasts, satellite images, and on-site measurements. The forecasts are continuously optimized through machine learning.
Irradiance forecasts (horizontal and tilted irradiance) and production forecasts are directly integrated into your EMS/PMS or accessed on our customer portal. NEXT optimizes the financial and operational exploitation of photovoltaic energy and its storage.
Multiple Advantages
- Intraday, day & week ahead
- Real-time site data feedback
- Portfolio management & virtual plant
- SaaS (customer portal) or easy integration via API into EMS/PMS
- Probabilistic confidence intervals
NEXT provides forecasts by intelligently combining and processing 4 types of data.
The NEXT algorithm provides probabilistic forecasts with global coverage and continuously improves its accuracy.
In situ data: CalibSun can securely integrate your real-time data.
All on-site measurements can be used to refine forecasts.
NWP/Meteorological models: NEXT uses several NWP (meteorological weather forecasts). GFS, Arome, Arpege...
10 additional models under evaluation.
Satellite images: NEXT uses multiple satellites to ensure a global coverage : MSG, IODC + GOES, Himawari, MTG constellation coming soon
Site configuration: NEXT takes into account personalized plant information.
All electrical characteristics and designs can be considered.
Use of an explainable statistical model to understand and optimize performance levels achieved for any type of configuration.
NEXT is able of making direct production forecasts scenarios with probabilistic quantiles ranging from P5 to P95.
Production information integrating multiple factors: technologies used, orientation, tracker system.
NEXT Advanced also use on-site data collected by a real-time supervision system (SCADA) (irradiance, production, temperature, general plant operation, etc.).
Timestep, Frequency, Horizon, Metrics, Forecast format fully customizable from 1 site to another.
Easy integration of new models or data.
Reliable and flexible
Reliable forecasts on all time scales (nowcast, hour ahead, day ahead, week ahead), thanks to an algorithm capable of intelligently weighting information from each data source.
More energy-efficient than market solutions using Deep Learning: data processing done by a single algorithm operating without heavy and frequent learning phases with seamless (continuous) processing based on "lazy learning."
Data confidentiality
Each client retains full ownership of their data, which are only used for their benefit. NEXT allows for backtesting to analyze the past performance of your assets and easily compare its performance with other forecast providers.
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More about NEXT, the solar forecasting tool by CalibSun
More questions? Contact us!
Why should I use a solar resource forecasting tool?
How NEXT generate solar forecasts ?
What are the diffent types of forecasts ?